Emergency Medical Sciences
The mission of the Emergency Medical Sciences program is to provide a progressive educational experience in academic, clinical, and field internship environments to prepare qualified students to…
https://uaptc.edu/emsThe mission of the Emergency Medical Sciences program is to provide a progressive educational experience in academic, clinical, and field internship environments to prepare qualified students to…
https://uaptc.edu/emsThe practical nursing program embraces the mission of delivering high quality instruction in clinical and the classroom, while ensuring that students are equipped with the knowledge needed to co…
https://uaptc.edu/nursingPractical nurses take vital signs, administer basic patient care, dress wounds, present patient information to registered nurses and doctors and much more on a daily basis. In Northark’s program…
http://www.northark.edu/academics/areas-of-study/health-and-medical/practicalnursingcertificateThe Respiratory Therapy program is a patient care field which deals primarily with patients who have respiratory problems. Professional opportunities are constantly increasing, and many areas of…
https://uaptc.edu/respiratoryBarber Stylist is a 10 month program for students to learn how to cut, trim, style and color hair, as well as provide facial hair grooming and massages. At the end of the program students will b…