Emergency Medical Sciences
The mission of the Emergency Medical Sciences program is to provide a progressive educational experience in academic, clinical, and field internship environments to prepare qualified students to…
https://uaptc.edu/emsThe mission of the Emergency Medical Sciences program is to provide a progressive educational experience in academic, clinical, and field internship environments to prepare qualified students to…
https://uaptc.edu/emsThe practical nursing program embraces the mission of delivering high quality instruction in clinical and the classroom, while ensuring that students are equipped with the knowledge needed to co…
https://uaptc.edu/nursingPractical nurses take vital signs, administer basic patient care, dress wounds, present patient information to registered nurses and doctors and much more on a daily basis. In Northark’s program…
http://www.northark.edu/academics/areas-of-study/health-and-medical/practicalnursingcertificateThe Respiratory Therapy program is a patient care field which deals primarily with patients who have respiratory problems. Professional opportunities are constantly increasing, and many areas of…
https://uaptc.edu/respiratoryThis program is intended for transition from practical nursing to registered nursing, including a credential and licensing.