This represent occupations with a wide range of characteristics which do not fit into one of the detailed O*NET-SOC occupations. O*NET data is not available for this type of title.
This represent occupations with a wide range of characteristics which do not fit into one of the detailed O*NET-SOC occupations. O*NET data is not available for this type of title.
Students develop computer and office skills to prepare for jobs in today’s automated offices. Upon completion of the program, students will be able to operate a microcomputer and use word proces… develop computer and office skills to prepare for jobs in today’s automated offices. Upon completion of this certificate, students will be able to operate a microcomputer and use word p… Arkansas University Tech’s Supply Chain Management program is designed to prepare students for entry-level employment in the areas of logistics, materials, acquisitions, and supply mana… Microsoft Operating Systems Certificate of Proficiency is designed to prepare individuals for career advancement or entry-level employment in the field Information Technology system installa… Medical Office Administration technical certificate prepares students for entry-level medical office positions, such as receptionist and office clerks. All courses in this curriculum apply t…
The Aviation Maintenance Technician school of SAU Tech is designed to provide up-to-date, intensive training for this occupational field. Completion of this school, certified by the Federal Avi… Arkansas University Tech’s Supply Chain Management program is designed to prepare students for entry-level employment in the areas of logistics, materials, acquisition and supply manage… certificate consists of courses that provides the student with a foundation in study of Environmental Management field. The courses that make up this certificate apply toward completion of … certificate is the study of Wastewater Management in the Environmental Management field. The courses that make up this certificate apply toward completion of the Associate of Arts (A.A.) Pr…