Criminal Justice
UAM’s criminal justice program offers a bachelor’s degree designed to prepare students for immediate employment, career advancement, or future studies in the following fields: law enforcement, c…’s criminal justice program offers a bachelor’s degree designed to prepare students for immediate employment, career advancement, or future studies in the following fields: law enforcement, c…’s communication program offers a bachelor’s degree designed to prepare students for immediate employment, career advancement, or future studies in the following fields: communication directi…’s art program offers a bachelor’s degree designed to prepare students for immediate employment, career advancement, or future studies in the following fields: art, graphic design, curation, …’s Health and Physical Education program offers a bachelor’s degree designed to prepare students for immediate employment, career advancement, or future studies in the following fields: enter…’s Computer Information Systems program offers a bachelor’s degree designed to prepare students for immediate employment, career advancement, or future studies in the following fields: comput… BSE leading to certification in Physical Education, and Health K-12 is the program
administered entirely through the College of Education and Human Performance. All
other secondary are…
A program that prepares individuals to administer prescribed courses of radiation treatment, manage patients undergoing radiation therapy, and maintain pertinent records. Includes instruction in…
A program that generally prepares individuals in the knowledge, techniques and procedures for promoting health, providing care for sick, disabled, infirmed, or other individuals or groups. Inclu…
A program that prepares individuals, under the supervision of physicians, to assist in developing respiratory care plans, administer respiratory care procedures, supervise personnel and equipmen…
Teach courses in human history and historiography. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.