Emergency Medical Technician - AAS
Health Professions and Related Clinical Services
Associate of Applied Science – Paramedic
Students desiring an Associate of Applied Science degree will be required to complete th…
http://www.southark.eduHealth Professions and Related Clinical Services
Associate of Applied Science – Paramedic
Students desiring an Associate of Applied Science degree will be required to complete th…
http://www.southark.eduThis program will provide college-level educational opportunities in the areas of Fire Science, Emergency Medical Care and Hazardous Materials. The program is designed with the firefighter and e…
http://www.sautech.edu/programs-degrees/fire-science/The Associate of Arts in Teaching Statewide Agreement K-6/Middle School Education degree is a 62-64 credit hour program designed for education majors to transfer seamlessly into a teacher prep p…
https://www.uaht.edu/download/Business/early_childhood_education/2020-2021_ay_degree_plans/Early-Childhood-Education-AAS_TC_CP_-daycare-headstart-ece-centers-AY-2020-2021.docHospitality and Tourism Management Services is designed to provide individuals with the knowledge, skills and technical ability appropriate for employment in a wide variety of positions in the h…
https://www.uamont.edu/academics/crossett/pdfs/Hospitality-Tourism-Management.pdfThis program provides students with the education and technical skills necessary to succeed in the business workplace. The program prepares graduates to assume positions in management and upgrad…
https://www.uaht.edu/download/Business/business/2020-2021_ay_degree_plans/Business-Admin-AAS-TC-_-CP-General-Business-AY-2020-2021.docxThe Associate of Applied Science degree is a four-semester program composed of 60 college credit hours designed for students who plan to seek employment in the information technology field upon …
https://www.uaht.edu/download/Business/computer_information_science/2020-2021_ay_degree_plans/Computer_and_Information_-Science_AAS_TC_CP-AY-2020-2021.docxThe Funeral Services Associate of Applied Science degree meets current curriculum standards as set forth by the American Board of Funeral Service Education and is designed to educate students in…
https://www.uaht.edu/download/Business/funeral_services/2020-2021_ay_degree_plans/Funeral-Services-AAS-TC-CP-AY-2020-2021.docxThis is a one-year program that that will prepare students for the Paramedic licensure Exam and entry level employment as a Paramedic in the State of
Arkansas. Students enrolling in the progr…
ASUTR’s welding program introduces the student to basic welding techniques as well as the tools, materials, and equipment used in SMAW (STICK), GMAW (MIG), GTAW (TIG), Pipe Welding, and Metal Fa…
http://asutr.eduThis two-year degree program is designed to provide students with the understanding and knowledge necessary for managing people and functions. Students can be employed in career areas such as pu…