Emergency Medical Sciences
The mission of the Emergency Medical Sciences program is to provide a progressive educational experience in academic, clinical, and field internship environments to prepare qualified students to…
https://uaptc.edu/emsThe mission of the Emergency Medical Sciences program is to provide a progressive educational experience in academic, clinical, and field internship environments to prepare qualified students to…
https://uaptc.edu/emsThe Health Information Technology (HIT) program is committed to the advancement of outcomes-focused knowledge and the preparation of individuals for various careers in health information technol…
https://uaptc.edu/health-info-techThe Associate of Science in Business is designed for students who are planning to transfer to a four-year institution to obtain a bachelor’s degree in the field of business. This degree requires…
https://uaptc.edu/business-info-tech/transfer-programsInformation Technology programs provide education and training in the areas of Computer Information Systems: applied programming, end-user support, and networking. A cybersecurity option is also…
https://uaptc.edu/business-info-tech/information-technologyThis degree will allow a graduate to apply for the Birth through Pre-Kindergarten Teaching Credential from the Division of Early Care and Education of the Department of Human Services. It will a…
https://uaptc.edu/schools/education-and-reading/education-degree-plan-optionsGraduates majoring in accounting are prepared for, and hired as Certified Public Accountants, corporate accountants, internal auditors, government accountants, industrial accountants, managerial…
https://uaptc.edu/business-info-tech/what-is-accountingComputer network engineers are responsible for building and managing communications networks. These networks can be small, local networks (called local area networks) or they can be large, distr…
https://uaptc.edu/business-info-tech/information-technologyUniversity of Arkansas – Pulaski Technical College offers an Associate of Applied Science in Allied …