Social Work
UAM’s social work program offers a bachelor’s degree designed to prepare students for immediate employment, career advancement, or future studies in the following fields: social work, counseling…’s social work program offers a bachelor’s degree designed to prepare students for immediate employment, career advancement, or future studies in the following fields: social work, counseling…’s biology program offers a bachelor’s degree designed to prepare students for immediate employment, career advancement, or future studies in the following fields: medicine, optometry, dentis… the creative and technical skills necessary to succeed in the fast-paced field of computing with UAFS’s Bachelor of Science in computer science. Computer science is a rapidly changing f…
The Bachelor of Arts in media communication emphasizes cross-platform media writing, media production, critical media engagement, and digital and emerging media literacy. Students gain workforce…
The UAFS criminal justice program is well known for providing students with the perfect blend of scientific theory, facts, concepts, and practical training. This comprehensive approach to learni…