Welding CP
The Welding program is a combination metal welding course consisting of metal cutting, arc welding, semi-automatic (MIG) welding. Students receive instruction in practical application of welding…
The Welding program is a combination metal welding course consisting of metal cutting, arc welding, semi-automatic (MIG) welding. Students receive instruction in practical application of welding…
The Welding program is a combination metal welding course consisting of metal cutting, arc welding, semi-automatic (MIG) welding. Students receive instruction in practical application of welding…
The registered nursing (LPN to RN) 66 or 67-credit hour program combines classroom instruction, simulated patient care, and clinical experience to prepare graduates for a successful career in nu…
The registered nursing program combines classroom instruction, simulated patient care, and clinical experience to prepare graduates for a successful career in nursing. Graduates of the program r…
This 12 or 17 credit-hour program prepares individuals, under supervision of physicians and other healthcare professionals, to draw blood samples from patients using a variety of invasive proced…
Graduates of the Nutrition and Foodservice Management program gain classroom and clinical experience in the management of commercial and institutional foodservice operations. Individuals will le…
Graduates of the Nutrition and Foodservice Management program gain classroom and clinical experience in the management of commercial and institutional foodservice operations. Individuals will le…
This degree will allow students who are interested in both the medical and business fields to fulfill their career goals to work in a medical profession while utilizing business skills. The med…
The medical coding program is designed to education students with the knowledge and skills needed to prepare for a career as a medical coder. Students will be exposed to a variety of issues rela…
The medical coding program is geared towards students who already have a background in the medical field, either from current or previous employment or training from another allied health discip…